You can participate in the Telc B2 Exam, which is one of the exams that play a role in German language proficiency control, from our Sprachportal Ankara and Istanbul branches. Ankara Telc B2 Exam. Istanbul...
You can take the Telc B1 Exam, which is one of the exams that play a role in checking German language proficiency, from our Sprachportal Ankara and Istanbul branches. Ankara Telc B1 Exam. Istanbul Telc...
You can take the Telc C1 Exam, which is one of the exams that play a role in German language proficiency control, from our Sprachportal Ankara and Istanbul branches. Ankara Telc C1 Exam. Istanbul Telc...
You can participate in the Telc A2 Exam, which is one of the exams that play a role in German language proficiency control, from our Sprachportal Ankara and Istanbul branches. Ankara Telc A2 exam. Istanbul...